Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Temple, Tirumala, Andhra Pradesh – In the lap of positive energy



The positive energy exuded by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Temple is so powerful that you feel enchanted even when you leave the sanctum. It will have a strong effect on your mind and body. That’s the reason; the Tirumala Temple attracts over 50,000 of pilgrims every day.

A visit to the temple is the first priority of visitors of Tirupati. This landmark temple is a most important temple of Vaishnava sect of Hinduism. It is dedicated to Lord Ventashwara, the incarnation of Vishnu who is one of the Gods of Trinity. Lord Venktashwara appeared here to save the mankind for trials and tribulations of Kaliyuga (Dark Age). Hence, the temple is also known as Kaliyuga’s Vaikunthdham (Gods abode in Kaliyuga).

It is considered one of the most ancient temples of India. The Sastras, Sthala Mahatmyarns, Puranas, and Alwar hymns have several stories saying that in Kaliyuga (Dark Age), one can attain Mukti (salvation) by worshipping Lord Venktashwara. The temple is picturesquely situated at the top hills of Tirumala. When you go the top, you will find the beauty of temple, mesmerizing.

At the temple, you will find mad rush everywhere, continuous chanting of mantra, heavily adorned idols, and a compelling aura all around. You will feel the   positivity all around you. Being one of the most important Hindu temples, high security everywhere. It is for your safety to cooperate with the security personnel. 

The Venkateswara Temple is known by many names – the Temple of seven hills, Tirumala Temple, Tirupati Temple, and Tirupati Balaji Temple. Similarily, Lord Venkateswara is also known by many other names: Balaji, Govinda, and Srinivasa.

There are many other deities in the temple like Moolavirat or DhruvaBeram, KautukaBeram or BhogaSrinivasa, SnapanaBeram or UgraSrinivasa, UtsavaBeram or Malayappa swami, and Bali Beram or KoluvuSrinivasa.

The temple is open for 18 hours on normal days for sarvadarshnam (free visit). On peak days, it remains open for 20 hours. In sarvadarshnam pilgrims wait for their turn to worship the idol of Lord Venkatshwara. The waiting hall is in the compartments of Vaikuntham Queue Complex II. The waiting hall is spacious and clean. Services like food, tea and coffee are provided free to waiting persons. Free medical facilities have also been arranged. You will find RO filtered drinking water and well maintained toilets. Closed circuit TV continuously replays devotional programs.

The timing for free visit is different on different days. You have to refer weekly temple program for the timings. You can also call the call center on 1800 425 4141.

The temple actually three kinds of darshan provision – Sarva Darshanam (free visit), Divya Darshanam (Holy visit which is meant for the pilgrimage who trek Alipiri and Srivari mountain by foot to reach the temple), and Shigra Darshanam (special entry which is a paid visit; it is meant for quick visit).

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Temple represents Vaishnav sect of Hinduism. It is dedicated to Lord Venkatshwara who is one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. There are many legends of the Tirumala temple. According to Bharat Purana, Lord Rama resided here along with his wife, Sita, and his brother, Laxmana while returning from Lankapuri.

The Tirumala Tripati temple is a significant temple from the religious point of view. It is another name of festivals. Thousands of pilgrims visit every day which makes the environment festive. Brahmostav is the most significant festival at the temple. It is celebrated for nine days in the month of September. During this period, the crowd gets even bigger. If you want to visit the temple in this period, do all your bookings well in advance. Contact temple trust authorities in case of emergencies.

Upper Tirupati which is known as Tirumala now was an established centre of Vaishnav sect around the 5th century. It was praised by Alvars. Present day temple was not built in a day. Over the century, various Hindu Kings of southern India has been donating large sums of money and jewelries to the temple which brought the temple to the present day stature.

References are there which say that first donation was made by the Pallava queen, Samaval, in the year 966 B.C. she offered two parcels of land and jewelry to the temple and directed the temple priest to use the revenue generated from the land for the celebration of major festivals.

The Pallava dynasty of 9th century, Chola kingdom of 10th century, Vijayanagar Empire of 14th – 15th century has been major patrons of Tirupati Balaji Temple. However, the temple gained most of its wealth and current stature during the rule of Vijayanagar Empire.

It is believed that the Lord Venkatshwara appeared to save the mankind from trials and suffering in the Kaliyuga (Dark Age). In Kaliyuga, devotees can obtain Mukti (Salvation) just by worshiping him. 

The Tirupati Venkatshwara Temple is situated in the upper hills of Tirumala at Tirupati in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is managed by an independent trust. The temple is considered second richest and the most visited religious place globally.

Every year, nearly 30-40 million visits the temple. During festival period like Brahmostava, the number of daily visitors grows many folds. That’s the reason; it is called the most visited religious shrine in the world. No matter when you go to the Sri Venkatshwara Temple, you will find rush everywhere. Rush hour, continuous chanting of mantras, and heavily decorated idols are the landmark of this temple.

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Temple is constructed as per Dravidian architecture. It was constructed around 300 BC. The Grabh Griha (Sanctum Sanctorum) is known as Ananda Nilayam. Lord Venkatshwara, the presiding diety, is in standing pose facing east in Garbh Griha. He is worshipped according to Vaikhanasa Agama tradition.

There two Queue complex buildings in the temple to manage the devotee rush. Free meals, tea and coffee are offered to the devotees.

Nearest Airport: Tirupati Airport, Renigunta. It is about 15 kms from Tirupati. You will find regular flights from most of the major cities of India.


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